The Ropemaker Time Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"He has changed time, not you. Somehow he was brought you out of your past and put you into this time." (16.90)

At Lord Kzuva's house, the magicians Zara and Lananeth express wonder at the reversal of Meena and Alnor's ages. Zara—in her magicked robot-esque voice—says that Faheel didn't change the old folks; instead he took their younger selves and plopped them into the present. It's the same kind of thing Asarta did in the original story about the Valley, and an example of Faheel's great power.

Quote #8

By the time it shone down full into the bowl there was a tall woman standing behind the carved slab, wearing the same gray robe that Asarta had worn, but with long dark hair flowing around it, so that it could hardly be seen.

Time also waited. The two from the Valley had watched, not understanding what they saw. But they remembered what the women by the gateway had said, and guessed that if they took any steps down into the hollow they would be trapped in the backward eddy of the years, sucked into the vortex where Asarta sang. (2.53-54)

Asarta turns back time before she disappears, making herself young again. At the same time—as she reverses time—there is a parallel pausing of time (perhaps not literal) for Dirna and Reyel. These uses of time foreshadow the reversal of time Dirna and Reyel's descendants Meena and Alnor will experience in their own epic journey, while Tilja herself travels to Talagh in a bubble of frozen time.

Quote #9

Tilja understood what she must now do. Sobbing with relief, she huddled down into the same posture as the girl. She heard the pad of the Ropemaker's feet on the hut floor, felt herself lifted and carried. The Ropemaker waited for the exact instant at which the time that he was in caught up with the stilled moment from which Tilja had been watching. When the two times became one her lowered her into herself. (17.121)

This complicated bit of time magic ultimately saves Tilja's friends from obliteration at the hands of Moonfist. The Ropemaker, assuming Faheel's ultimate powers, both pauses the second Tilja's in and rewinds to the moment in which Meena, Alnor, and Tahl went up in flames. He then rescues the trio in the past, and syncs the past with Tilja's frozen present to create a new time in which everybody on the good side is okay. Handy trick, right?