The Secret Garden Chapter 11 Summary

"The Nest of the Missel Thrush"

  • Dickon knows about the existence of the Secret Garden, of course—Martha told him about it, the same way she told Mary back in Chapter 5. But he never thought he'd see inside.
  • Dickon says there is a lot of dead wood that needs to be cut away, but the strongest roses have kept growing all along.
  • Weirdly, Dickon notices that there are some signs that someone has been cleaning it up in the last ten years—not regularly, but now and again. So there is still a mystery about the Secret Garden.
  • Mary confesses to Dickon about the kids who called her Mistress Mary Quite Contrary back in India, but Dickon promises that he "likes [Mary] wonderful, an' so does the robin" (11.78). Aw.
  • So now Mary has two whole people who like her (which is a much better figure than her previous zero).
  • Mary makes Dickon promise he won't tell about the Secret Garden, and Dickon swears that he'll keep her secret safe.