The Secret Garden Chapter 16 Summary

"I Won't! Said Mary

  • Colin throws a fit when Mary spends both the morning and the afternoon away from him. (Um, is it just us, or is Colin verging on creepy-possessive territory here?)
  • When Mary gets back to the Manor, she's all excited to tell Colin about the fox cub and Dickon and everything, but when she sees what a brat he's being, she immediately gets angry.
  • Colin complains that his back and head are aching and Mary didn't visit, and then he accuses Dickon of being selfish by keeping Mary away from him.
  • Colin says he's not selfish because he's sick and he's going to be a hunchback and he's going to die—so there.
  • Mary yells that it's all a lie, that he just uses all of these worries to bully people into doing what he wants.
  • Mary stomps off in a rage, swearing she'll never come back.
  • She finds Colin's nurse laughing herself sick at the whole scene.
  • The nurse, for the record, thinks that most of Colin's trouble is that no one stands up to him when he's hysterical.
  • When Mary gets back to her rooms, she finds that Mr. Craven has sent her a bunch of picture books about gardening.
  • She starts to soften toward Colin. Mary realizes that he often acts up like he does because he is really, honestly fearful that his back is going to grow wrong. And the more time he spends alone with his fear, the worse it gets.