The Secret Life of Bees Chapter 10 Summary

  • When May didn't return from the wall after 20 minutes, Rosaleen, June, Lily, and August went looking for her. Tragically, after a brief search, they found that she had drowned herself in the river.
  • The police came, including Eddie Hazelwurst, the cop who was on duty when August and Lily went to visit Zach.
  • While interviewing everyone in the house, Hazelwurst grilled Lily about who she was and why she was staying with the Boatwright sisters. He told her she shouldn't be "lowering" herself in staying there (10.75) and claimed he was going to come back soon to make sure she had left.
  • Instead of going back to the honey house, Lily slept upstairs with Rosaleen in May's room that night.
  • Some time later, after the autopsy confirmed suicide, May's body was brought to rest in pink house so the Daughters of Mary could hold a vigil.
  • At 10 o'clock that same morning, Zach and Clayton came to pay their respects. Zach had just been released.
  • Then, Zach and Lily assisted August in draping the hives, an ancient bee-keeping tradition.
  • Later, the Daughters of Mary showed up with tons of food, and the vigil continued.
  • The next day, August found May's suicide note near where she had died. In it, May implored her sisters to live and not "mess it up" (10.172).
  • August used this as an opportunity to tell June she should marry Neil.
  • The vigil continued for a few more days before August, Zach, and Lily went to collect the veils from the hive, and May's body was finally buried.