The Secret Life of Bees Lies and Deceit Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Any other day of my life I could have won a fibbing contest hands down, and that, that is what I came up with: the pathetic truth (4.41).

Lily has a talent for making up tall-tales—she does it throughout the book—but here, her fibbing skills fail her and she ::gasp:: tells the truth: She and August have run away from home and need a place to stay. She recovers quickly, though, and puts some patently false finishing touches (e.g., fake last names) on her tale.

Quote #2

The secret of a good lie is don't overly explain, and throw in one good detail (4.86).

Lily explains the art of lying. Although Lily's tendency to lie is hardly presented as a great thing, secrecy is her way of ensuring privacy and protection.

Quote #3

'It's your secret . . . You do what you want with it' (4.112).

Here, Rosaleen indicates that she, too, understands secrecy as a form of privacy, which it is Lily's right to protect.