The Spectacular Now Abandonment Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"It's been almost two weeks since that stupid party, but have you called her or taken her to lunch? No. You haven't even talked to her one time." (38.16)

Look, we're no big fans of mean girl Krystal—but she's right: Sutter's making himself feel better about that party debacle by avoiding Aimee. No talking it out, no apologies, no explanations, no thought for anyone but himself.

Quote #5

I laugh along with her, but the truth is I can't help feeling a touch sorry for Krystal. Nobody likes seeing someone lose a friend. (41.21)

Sutter has Aimee screaming obscenities at an imaginary Krystal at the lake—and we have to say, we're not feeling too good about this. Krystal may be mean, but she's never abandoned Aimee, unlike some other people we could name, Sutter.

Quote #6

The truth is I don't even know where my dad is. After my mom kicked him out, he just disappeared. (46.43)

Whaaaaaat? You mean Sutter's dad doesn't actually make a buttload of money sitting at the top of that tower in the city? We never saw this coming. /sarcasm.