The Spectacular Now Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Being born eight years apart, Holly and I never were very close. She used to tell me that she was the reason our folks got married and I was the reason they got divorced. (13.12)

Yikes. Talk about sisterly love: this is a seriously mean things to say to your little brother. No wonder Sutter and Holly don't have a good relationship.

Quote #5

She's pissed off enough to actually throw me to the crazy suicide bombers. But I guess I can't be surprised after the way she ditched my father. (18.20)

Okay. (1), Sutter really identifies with his dad. (2), you'd think that finding out what a scoundrel his dad is might make him stop identifying with his dad. Instead, it just solidifies his attitude. #daddyissues

Quote #6

But my number one biggest fantasy was that my parents would get back together. (27.9)

Hm. At least this fantasy doesn't involve superpowers, like most of his fantasies. Of course, as soon as we meet Sutter's dad, we realize that it's just as fantastical—because Sutter, for all that he wants to live in the now, is just stuck in the past.