The Spectacular Now Youth Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

This is all too heartbreaking. I mean, I quit on heroes by the time I got to fifth grade. (25.46)

No, that's heartbreaking. Everyone needs a hero. Sutter thinks Aimee is immature to have one – but, come on. How are you going to grow up without some role models?

Quote #8

We're all dressed up and celebrating our common bond – youth. […] Nobody's ever been young like we are right at this moment. (50.94)

Interesting. And here we always thought that prom celebrated growing up. Maybe the problem isn't that Sutter's culture lacks adulthood initiation rituals but that he misunderstands the ones that exist.

Quote #9

This idea comes to me that we're all grass blades on the same lawn. […] But you know what happens to grass blades – somebody cuts them down just when they reach their prime. (52.3)

Well, yes. That's why comparing people to blades of grass is probably not the best analogy, since as far as we know there's no cosmic lawnmower motoring across America's high school's every summer weekend.