The White Devil Mortality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Act.Scene

Quote #7

Vit. My soul, like to a ship in a black storm
Is driven I know not whither. (5.6)

Vittoria doesn't know what's going on as she dies: is she destined for heaven or hell or… what? She has no clue—but the "black storm" simile seems ominous.

Quote #8

Flam… We cease to grieve, cease to be fortune's slaves,
Nay, cease to die by dying. Art thou gone?
And thou so near the bottom? false report,
Which says that women vie with the nine Muses,
For nine tough durable lives! I do not look
Who went before, nor who shall follow me;
No, at my self I will begin the end.
While we look up to heaven, we confound
Knowledge with knowledge. Oh, I am in a mist! (5.6)

Flamineo is disturbed by death, but also feels sort of liberated by it—since he'll no longer be one of "fortune's slaves." At the same time, he might be headed for hell—but he can't see, because he's "in a mist." He's refusing to look to heaven and doesn't feel like forgiveness is a possibility or even an option.

Quote #9

Vit. Oh, happy they that never saw the court,
Nor ever knew great men but by report! [Vittoria dies.] (5.6)

This is characteristic for Vittoria—she blames her corruption on "great men" (meaning Brachiano) as she dies, but can't admit that she made some huge mistakes and is really pretty bad, overall.