Thirteen Reasons Why Guilt and Blame Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

Think about it. He raped a girl and would leave town in a second if he knew… well… if he knew that we knew. (11.91)

Hannah's decision not to reveal Bryce's name is really confusing. Other than Mr. Porter, everybody else on the list will probably figure out, like Clay does, that she's talking about Bryce. So why not just say his name? And what about her threat to release the tapes if they aren't passed on? Since Bryce isn't named in the part about the rape, what's to keep him playing the game?

Quote #11

"We're all to blame," [Tony] says. "At least a little." (13.10)

Just a little word of wisdom from Tony, the guy in charge of making sure that Hannah's last wishes are carried out. Do you think Tony is onto something here, or do you disagree?

Quote #12

No matter what I've said so far, no matter who I've spoken of, it all comes back to – it all ends with – me. (14.4)

Hannah blames herself here. She doesn't try to minimize the guilt of the other characters, but she seems to be suggesting that everything is intricately intertwined.