Thirteen Reasons Why Sex Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Again, nice guy that he was, he didn't take advantage of the situation. He wanted to. He tried for the longest time to get a reaction out of her. […]

It dawned on him – finally – that she wasn't in a romantic mood and probably wouldn't be for a while. (12.29-30)

Unlike Bryce, Justin realizes that sex needs to be consensual – both people involved have to want it.

Quote #8

You were touching me… but I was using you. I needed you, so I could let go of me completely. (14.133)

Why did Hannah have sex with Bryce? Clay thinks it's because she knew it would be another reason to kill herself – just one more step toward self-destruction.

Quote #9

For everyone listening, let me be clear. I did not say no or push his hand away. All I did was turn my head, clench my teeth, and fight back tears. And he saw that. He even told me to relax. (14.134)

Why does Hannah tell her listeners that she didn't resist Bryce's advances? Is she trying to let Bryce off the hook? Or is she trying to show them how terrible an experience it was for her?