Thirteen Reasons Why Violence Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Below the table, my fingers were fighting to pry your fingers off. To loosen your grip. To push you away. And I didn't want to yell – it wasn't to that level yet – but my eyes were begging for help. (8.243)

Hannah describes how Marcus Cooley sexually assaults her in a booth at Rosie's. This violent incident marks a turning point for Hannah. After this, her thoughts of suicide increase drastically.

Quote #8

About halfway through the movie, while I sold tickets for the next show, that girl came tearing out of the theater holding her wrist. Maybe crying. Bryce was nowhere to be seen. (8.280)

Bryce is at it again – treating women like objects. Clay lets us know that Bryce doesn't limit his violence to girls, though. He uses violence to get what he wants from just about everyone.

Quote #9

A few minutes was all he needed with her. So just relax and step aside. (12.56)

Creepy. The fact that Bryce always tells his victims to "just relax" almost makes his violence stand out even more. Relaxation and violence usually don't go hand in hand, eh?