Contrasting Regions: The U.S. and the Middle East Quotes in Three Cups of Tea

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Very near," Akhmalu countered. "Only three or seven hours." (8.21)

In the U.S., three or seven hours would never be considered "near" for a commute… unless you're in rush hour traffic in Los Angeles.

Quote #8

"The people of Korphe have been here without a school for six hundred years. […] What is one winter more?" (12.26)

The people have Korphe may not have running water or PlayStations, but they have something that Mortenson lacks: patience.

Quote #9

"A village called New York has been bombed." (19.79)

People in the remote regions of Pakistan either don't have a word for, or don't understand that there are, large cities in other parts of the world, and that New York isn't a village.