The Three Sisters Time Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Line)

Quote #4

Masha: It's funny: I'm beginning to forget what she looked like. The same thing will happen to us. No one will remember us. (1.105)

Masha is talking about her dead mother and suddenly realizes the meaninglessness of her existence.

Quote #5

Tuzenbach: You're twenty years old, I'm not thirty yet. Think how much time we've got ahead of us, days and days, all of them full of my love for you. (1.183)

Tuzenbach is characteristically optimistic in his view of time. To him, time is something to be valued and enjoyed, not rued for passing too quickly. As far as this play goes, he's pretty much alone in this optimistic view.

Quote #6

Vershinin: The longer I live, the more I want to know. My hair is turning gray, I'm almost an old man, and I know so little—so little! (2.78)

Vershinin's acknowledgement of his own ignorance—even at his advanced age—is the opposite of Kulygin's Latin-fringed bragging.