The Tin Drum Questions

Bring on the tough stuff - there’s not just one right answer.

  1. How does the first line of this book affect your reading of Oskar's story?
  2. Why do you think Oskar is so obsessed with his tin drum?
  3. Why does Grass use a drum as Oskar's instrument instead of something else?
  4. How does Oskar use his childish appearance to his advantage?
  5. How does knowing about the author's service in the SS affect your reading of the novel?
  6. What's the purpose of all the grotesque imagery in the novel?
  7. Why do you think Oskar's mother kills herself?
  8. If you were a bookstore owner, what genre would you classify The Tin Drum under? (Remember that "Weird" is not a genre.)
  9. What makes Oskar decide to start growing again?
  10. How many minutes would your parents allow you to bang on a toy drum before throwing you out of the house?