Tomorrow, When the War Began Foolishness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

First thing we found was a biscuit bag we'd overlooked when packing the food the night before. It was empty. Thanks to us some grateful animal was now a lot fatter. (4.1)

Is this an epic mistake? Nope—but it is foolish. And enough foolishness around food will leave this group super hungry.

Quote #2

Basically we just lay around and ate, in one long pigout. (4.2)

Yeah, this eating up of all the food all at once is pretty foolish of the Hell gang. They're just banking on being able to leave and get food whenever they want to… which they'll come to regret later.

Quote #3

"No! If we're being strictly logical, like Homer was before, we shouldn't all sneak in close to the Showground." […] Corrie gave a little cry. "No! That's being too logical! You're my best friends! I don't want to be that logical!"

Neither did I, when I thought about it. (7.61-62)

Homer has the right idea about not traveling in large groups, but these three foolishly decide to stick together anyway, making a choice that could turn out to be a disaster all in the name of fear and friendship.