Tomorrow, When the War Began Quotes

Find the perfect quote to float your boat. Shmoop breaks down key quotations from Tomorrow, When the War Began.

War Quotes

Suddenly, the loud buzzing became a roar. […] And like black bats screaming out of the sky, blotting out the stars, a V-shaped line of jets raced overhead […] Their noise, their speed, their da...

Love Quotes

Homer was still rapt in Fi, always wanting to talk to me about her, trying to accidentally put himself wherever she happened to be going, turning red every time she spoke to him. (5.21)

Man and the Natural World Quotes

Hell is what's on the other side of Tailor's, a cauldron of boulders and trees and blackberries and feral dogs and wombats and undergrowth. It's a wild place, and I didn't know anyone who'd been th...

Family Quotes

We had to promise not to take grog and smokes […]. It made me wonder about the way adults turn growing up into such a complicated process. They expect you to be always on the lookout for a chance...

Fear Quotes

She picked up the phone and handed it to me. I turned it to "Talk" and started pressing numbers, then realized that I'd heard no dial tone. I held it closer to my ear. There was nothing. I felt a n...

Wisdom and Knowledge Quotes

"If you were going to invade, that'd be a good day to do it," Lee said. "Everyone's out celebrating. […] Who's running the country?" (4.44)

Foolishness Quotes

First thing we found was a biscuit bag we'd overlooked when packing the food the night before. It was empty. Thanks to us some grateful animal was now a lot fatter. (4.1)

Friendship Quotes

"Well, did you con them into it?" Unfortunately it was Mr. Mathers who answered. […]I was embarrassed, but laughing too, cos I knew I could twist Mr. Mathers round my pinkie. […]This was the bi...