Drugs and Alcohol Quotes in True Grit

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"I would not put a thief in my mouth to steal my brains." (3.314)

Ha. We're so stealing this one next time someone offers us a beer at a party. (No underage drinking, Shmoopers.) Mattie doesn't have any positive associations with alcohol; we bet she never drinks a drop in her life.

Quote #5

"I have a writ here that says for you to stop eating Chen Lee's corn meal forthwith. It is a writ for a rat and this is lawful service of said writ." (3.330)

Rooster is both funny and scary when he's drunk. We really don't like the idea of this guy with loaded weapons, and not just because we don't want to see any more rats get shot.

Quote #6

I have never wasted any time encouraging drunkards or show-offs. (3.330)

Mattie's approach to Rooster's drinking is no-nonsense and blunt, just like her approach to the rest of life. Encourage? No. Tolerate? Yes—for just as long as she needs to, to get the job done.