Drugs and Alcohol Quotes in True Grit

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I suspect now that [Dr. Underwood's Bile Activator] it made use of some such ingredients as codeine or laudanum. I can remember when half the old ladies in the country were "dopeheads."

Thank God for the Harrison Narcotics Law. (4.2-3)

Uh, yeah. Before the Harrison Ant-Narcotics Act, anybody could buy or sell narcotics. Laudanum is an opiate, the same stuff that they make opium and even heroin out of. They used to give that stuff to babies.

Quote #8

"The man Chaney, the man with the marked face, killed my father. He was a whiskey drinker like you. It led to killing in the end." (6.144)

Just in case you haven't figured it out yet, drinking is bad. Forget Just Say No: they should hand this book out at anti-drug assemblies.

Quote #9

On one long climb he fell off his horse, but he quickly gained his feet and mounted again.

"That was nothing, nothing," said he. "Bo put a wrong foot, that was all. He is tired. This is no grade. I have freighted iron stoves up harder grades than this, and pork as well. (6.525-26)

Uh, well at least drinking and riding is less dangerous than drinking and driving? We guess? Mattie is the type of person who wants to be sharp and alert for everything. Rooster, on the other hand, seem to be trying to forget the pain of his life.