Tuck Everlasting Choices Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Winnie looked at his young, strong face, and after a moment she said, "Why didn't you take them to the spring and give them some of the special water?" (17.13)

Sounds like a simple question, right? But Miles had to make the toughest decision of his life when he didn't fill his family in on the whole immortality thing. Do you think he made the right call?

Quote #8

And then, on an impulse, she turned and ran […] In a moment she was back again. The toad still squatted where she had dropped it, the dog still waited at the fence. Winnie pulled out the cork from the mouth of the bottle, and kneeling, she poured the precious water, very slowly and carefully, over the toad. (25.15)

Wow. Winnie doesn't hesitate for one second when she makes this choice. Is it because she's completely sure of her decision? Or is she just freaked out and acting on adrenaline?

Quote #9

A family plot. And then his throat closed. For it was there. He had wanted it to be there, but now that he saw it, he was overcome with sadness. (Epilogue.21)

Tuck knows that Winnie made the right choice. But right isn't always easy, is it?