Memory and the Past Quotes in Twilight

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter. Paragraph)

Quote #4

[Edward to Bella:] "Music in the fifties was good. Much better than the sixties, or the seventies, ugh!" he shuddered. "The eighties were bearable." (14.4)

Despite appearing to be seventeen, Edward has lived through several generations of music.

Quote #5

[Edward to Bella:] "I was born in Chicago in 1901." He paused and glanced at me from the corner of his eyes. My face was carefully surprised, patient for the rest. He smiled a tiny smile and continued. "Carlisle found me in a hospital in the summer of 1918. I was seventeen, and dying of the Spanish influenza." (14.11)

Edward is significantly older than Bella. In fact, he's significantly older than her dad. Do you think their age difference impacts their relationship at all? Do you consider Edward's character convincing as a 100+-year-old man?

Quote #6

[Edward to Bella:] "I don't remember it well – it was a very long time ago, and human memories fade." He was lost in his thoughts for a short time before he went on. "I do remember how it felt, when Carlisle saved me. It's not an easy thing, not something you could forget." (14.13)

Vampires usually don't remember their human pasts. Do you think that their lives as humans affect them in any way?