Typee Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

First we divided it into two equal portions, and carefully rolling one of them up for our evening's repast, divided the remainder again as equally as possible, and then drew lots for the first choice. (7.34)

Friendship sure looks a lot like Communism, sometimes.

Quote #5

I could hardly credit the evidence of my senses when I saw the wide distance that a single daring act had so suddenly placed between us. (9.35)

It's like Toby just graduated and Tommo still has another year in school.

Quote #6

But it seems really heartless in me to write thus of the poor islander, when I owe perhaps to his unremitting attentions the very existence I now enjoy. (11.29)

What does this depth of emotion, this confession, tell us about the way Tommo thinks of Kory-Kory, now that Tommo has skedaddled from the isle?