Typee Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Yes; thought I, gloomily, he has secured his own escape, and cares not what calamity may befall his unfortunate comrade. (14.24)

Even though our hero says stuff like this, do you think he feels safer doing so with the passage of time, knowing that both of them got to be safe and sound?

Quote #8

The faithful fellow, twice every day, in the cool of the morning and in the evening, insisted upon carrying me to the stream, and bathing me in its refreshing water. (14.27)

Oh, to have a friend like Kory-Kory on Monday mornings. Although, does this strike you as friendship, or servitude?

Quote #9

No language can describe the wretchedness which I felt; and in the bitterness of my soul I imprecated a thousand curses on the perfidious Toby, who had thus abandoned me to destruction. (16.7)

Oh, maybe he really means it this time. Friends can disappoint us more because we hold them in such high regard.