The View from Saturday Choices Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Mrs. Eva Marie Olinski always gave good answers. Whenever she was asked how she had selected her team for the Academic Bowl, she chose one of several good answers. (1.1)

We usually think of a "good answer" as being the "right answer." But, unlike at Academic Bowl, life often has more than one answer—and they're not always right, even if they're good.

Quote #2

After The Souls had won the Epiphany Middle School championship, Dr. Roy Clayton Rohmer paid a visit to Mrs. Olinski and asked—guess what?—why had she chosen this team. (2.5)

Mrs. Olinski is tired of getting asked about the reasons for picking her team. What difference does it make? Her team is her team. She picked them, or they picked her, or they picked each other. Doesn't matter. End of story.

Quote #3

Then he said, "Margaret and I need your help, Nadia. So do the turtles. Sometimes one species has to help another get settled." Grandpa was apologizing for not telling me about Margaret's meddling. I did not know what to say. ("Nadia Tells of Turtle Love".213)

Defenseless baby animals are in danger, and Nadia can either help them or let them die. Easy choice, right? But Grandpa Izzy makes the choice more difficult for Nadia by using the situation to say he's sorry. He puts the turtles in the middle of Nadia's decision whether to forgive him or not.