The View from Saturday Courage Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

She still did not know [why she chose the team] (and wouldn't until after it was all over), but by that time the success of The Souls (even if she did not yet know that they were The Souls) had made Mrs. Olinski less timid. (2.5)

Bravery is about a lot more than showing up for a fight. By retaking control of the classroom and of her own life, Mrs. Olinski shows incredible bravery.

Quote #2

Mrs. Olinski gave up. Everyone believed that she could be wounded by the word cripple. She could never explain to Dr. Rohmer, nor would she try to, that the word itself does not hurt, but the manner of its delivery can. For all of his training, Dr. Rohmer would never believe that cripples themselves are a diverse group, and some make jokes. (2.12)

Here, Mrs. Olinski already seems to have a kind of courage. It takes guts to make jokes about yourself—a lot more than to make them about other people.

Quote #3

As she wrote paraplegic, Mrs. Olinski spelled it out, "P-A-R-A-P-L-E-G-I-C. It means that I am paralyzed from the waist down." Her voice was steady, but I noticed that her hands were not. The O of Olinski was not round or smooth but nervous. ("Ethan Explains the B and B Inn".46)

Wow. We admire the courage of any middle school teacher, much less one in a wheelchair.