The View from Saturday Quotes

Find the perfect quote to float your boat. Shmoop breaks down key quotations from The View from Saturday.

Choices Quotes

Mrs. Eva Marie Olinski always gave good answers. Whenever she was asked how she had selected her team for the Academic Bowl, she chose one of several good answers. (1.1)

Friendship Quotes

When we finally got together, I thought we would have fun. We did not. Either I had changed, or they had changed, or all of us had. I would not try again. I concluded that many friendships are born...

Competition Quotes

They called themselves The Souls. They told Mrs. Olinski that they were The Souls long before they were a team, but she told them that they were a team as soon as they became The Souls. Then after...

Wisdom and Knowledge Quotes

I told her that I was taught never to use the word you are defining in its definition and that she ought to think of a substitute word for letter if she is defining it. Mother then made a remark ab...

Principles Quotes

To the district superintendent of schools, she gave a bad answer, but she did that only once, only to him, and if that answer was not good, her reason for giving it was. (1.1)

Courage Quotes

She still did not know [why she chose the team] (and wouldn't until after it was all over), but by that time the success of The Souls (even if she did not yet know that they were The Souls) had mad...

Perseverance Quotes

When I told Tillie that six steps seemed a lot to have to do before you begin, she said, "You must think of those six steps not as preparation for the beginning but as the beginning itself." ("Noah...

Identity Quotes

Century Village where my Gershom grandparents live is not like any place I had ever been to. It is in Florida, but it is not exactly Disney World or Sea World or other regular destinations. It is l...