A Walk in the Woods Resources


The Appalachian Trail Conservancy

This is your one-stop-shop for all things Appalachian Trail.

Bill Bryson's Official Website

Feel like delving deeper into Bill Bryson's literary oeuvre? Your click is our command.


A Walk in the Woods (2015)

This star-studded adaptation of A Walk in the Woods features Robert Redford and Nick Nolte and Bryson and Katz. Yowza.

A Walk in the Woods Trailer

Okay, so this movie is a lot different from the book, but this trailer shows that it's pretty cool in its own right.


Bill Bryson Talks with The Guardian

This chat with The Guardian touches on Bryson's unique relationship with his second homeland of England.

AT Hikers Rise after Release of Film Adaptation of A Walk in the Woods

Looks like art really can change the world: National Park officials expect AT traffic to sky-rocket after the release of A Walk in the Woods' film adaptation.


Bill Bryson: The Full Interview

Want to hear Bill Bryson talk about his love for both Babe Ruth and audio books? Click it or ticket, fools!

Bill Bryson at the NYS Writers Institute

For those interested in Advanced Bryson Studies, this 30+ minute chat will cover every subject that your heart desires.

The Appalachian Trail - Georgia

This killer YouTube series allows you to feel what it's like to actually hike the Appalachian Trail. There are actually videos from the entirety of the hike as well, if you're interested.


A Conversation with Bill Bryson

This chat with Bryson touches on his lifelong obsession with travel, among countless other riveting topics.

The Slippery Trail Podcast

If you caught the hiking bug after reading A Walk in the Woods, then this podcast should get you up to speed on your favorite new outdoors past-time.


A Map of the Appalachian Trail

Holy smokes—we knew this thing was big, but this map really puts it into context.

A Photo from the Hundred Mile Wilderness

This is a river like the ones Bryson and Katz grumpily trudge across at the end of the book. Bet they wish they had a bridge like this, huh?