Point of View

Point of View

Robots and Humans and More Robots, Oh My

WALL-E might claim the film's title, but the movie has two main POV characters—WALL-E and EVE (who commands almost as much screen time as our favorite trash compactor)—and three secondary POV characters—M-O, the Captain, and John and Mary, whom we're lumping into one because it's hard to tell this lumpy humans apart.

Aside from the cockroach, WALL-E is one of the only characters we see for the first stretch of the movie, and we see EVE's landing from his perspective—his initial curiosity, following EVE like a lovesick puppy, and sharing his hobbies with her. When EVE shuts down, we stick with WALL-E as he tries to revive her and has he clings on for dear life to the recon spaceship on its intergalactic trip to Axiom.

But once, EVE wakes up, we start to shift to her perspective, or her "directive" to be precise. She needs to retrieve the plant, and WALL-E is just tagging along as EVE zips across the spaceship to retrieve it. Her goal becomes WALL-E's, and everything he does, he does for her.

To break things up a bit, we get three other perspectives sprinkled throughout. There's the Captain, who initially doesn't care about the plant, but then wants it to return home. M-O is the first robot on the Axiom to abandon his directive and pursue his dream. It's a small one (to clean WALL-E) but it's still a dream. And John and Mary have a little love story between… in case you can't relate to WALL-E and EVE'S tale of robo-love.

All of the characters must be happy to land on Earth at the end of the movie, except maybe M-O. To him, that place is one big foreign contaminant. He might be scrubbing forever.