WALL-E Questions

Bring on the tough stuff. There’s not just one right answer.

  1. WALL-E and EVE aren't the only robots of their kind, but what makes them unique? Why does WALL-E have such a strong self-preservation instinct? What does he need to survive?
  2. How would you describe WALL-E's personality? How does his personality align with the trash-collecting job he's been programmed to do? What about EVE's personality compared with her directive?
  3. Opposites attract with WALL-E and EVE. Compare and contrast their physical appearances. Why are they designed so differently from one another?
  4. Do you think the events that lead to the evacuation of Earth could happen in real life? If so, what could we do to prevent it?
  5. If the Axiom actually existed, would you go on it? Or would you stay behind and try to save Earth?
  6. At the end of the movie, with humans back on Earth and farming, will they need all the robots they've been depending on? What will happen to the robots now that people are back on Earth?
  7. If there were a sequel to WALL-E, what would happen?