WALL-E Quiz Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around WALL-E? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. WALL-E experiences what feeling strongest upon seeing EVE?

Q. What is WALL-E's directive?

compacting trash
sorting trinkets
finding plants
completing the Rubik's cube
Q. Why did humanity have to leave Earth?

global warming
too much trash
a black hole
they were bored
Q. What happens when WALL-E accidentally fired EVE's arm cannon?

He blows up GO-4
He frees the Reject robots
He fries his own circuit board
EVE slaps him
Q. Which of the following things does WALL-E touch during his trip through space?

the rings of Saturn
the surface of the sun
a lunar lander
former planet Pluto