We Grow Accustomed to the Dark Courage Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Line

Quote #1

[…] meet the Road – erect –
[Line 8]

After stumbling into the night, we squint a little, but are able, finally, to stand up straight and face the road. But we aren’t quite walking down the road yet, right? If the road is a metaphor for the future, then the only way we can move from the present to the future is by walking straight ahead. Guess it takes a little more than just seeing the future; we have to actually move towards it.

Quote #2

The Bravest -- grope a little --
And sometimes hit a Tree
[Lines 13-14]

Those that are brave enough to walk out into the unknown sometimes get hurt; that’s just the way of it. Maybe they choose the wrong direction, or lose money on something they were sure would work, or encounter any other misfortune. And, the speaker says, they know this might happen beforehand. That’s what makes their “groping” so brave.

Quote #3

And Life steps almost straight again.
[Line 20]

In the end, life goes on. We walk down the road (remember, road = future) and are able to walk straight. Err, almost straight, that is. Seems like we might have a bit of a limp. Dickinson doesn’t give us an overly optimistic outlook, but tells it like it is: sometimes, when you are courageous, you get a few scars along the way.