We Grow Accustomed to the Dark Resources


The Poet

In-depth bio of the “lady in white.”

Her Work

The archives of her poems. Warning: there’s a lot.

Emily Dickinson Museum

Whether you visit physically or just virtually, there’s plenty to see.

We Really Do Grow Accustomed to the Dark

Wanna learn the science behind the metaphor?


Animated Poem

A fun animated version, created by students.

Want to visit the poet?

Take a virtual tour of her final resting place.


The Lady

The poet, in the only confirmed portrait of her as an adult.

Her Home

The Dickinson homestead, now a museum.

Articles and Interviews

The Soul Selects Her Own Society

An article about the reclusive (or should we say, selective) poet.


The Complete Poems

Here we are, in one nice (big) book.