The Wee Free Men Courage Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

She could put up with monsters. But she didn't want to face mad boots. (11.113)

Tiffany may be ready to face lots of scary monsters and dromes, but apparently she draws the line at angry footwear. Who knew?

Quote #8

There's always been someone watching the borders. They didn't decide to. It was decided for them. Someone has to care. Sometimes they have to fight. Sometimes they have to speak for that which has no voice… (13.60)

Even if she's not ready for it, Tiffany has to protect the borders of their world. It's her duty and she's going to have to do it like Granny Aching did, or else really bad things could get in.

Quote #9

I'll never be like this again, she thought, as she saw the terror in the Queen's face. I'll never again feel as tall as the sky and as old as the hills and as strong as the sea. (13.153)

After she knows that Granny Aching is watching her, Tiffany gets a surge of courage and confidence—she just knows that she can defeat the Queen. It is this same confidence that terrifies the Queen.