The Wee Free Men Courage Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

She felt the fear grow, she felt her stomach become a red hot lump, she felt her elbows begin to sweat. But it was… not connected. She watched herself being frightened, and that meant that there was still this part of herself, the watching part, that wasn't. (8.102)

Tiffany may be scared, but she's still self-aware enough to keep herself removed from her fear. She won't let it take her over because she needs her senses intact to act and react.

Quote #5

Tiffany grabbed the pan and swung it as she rolled onto her feet. It hit the tall figure only a glancing blow, but the Queen wavered like air over a hot road, and screamed. (10.221)

Most kids (like Roland) would be terrified of angering the Queen, but Tiffany isn't—she's going to keep swinging at her with the frying pan and taunting her in order to get what she wants. It doesn't matter if the Queen comes after her for vengeance.

Quote #6

"Nightmares," repeated Rob Anybody, turning to her. "Ye wouldna want to know about them. We'll hold 'em off. Ye must mak' a run for it. Get awa' wi' ye, noo!" (11.100)

Those brave little Wee Free Men. Even when literal nightmares are bearing down on them, they just draw their swords and prepare for battle. It's quite impressive.