The Wee Free Men Power Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"This is my dream," she shouted at the sky. "I've dreamed it dozens of times! You're not allowed in here! And whales don't eat people! Everyone who isn't very stupid knows that!" (12.58)

Tiffany's not going to take this nonsense lying down. She knows that this is her dream that she's in, and that because of that, she should be able to control all the rules.

Quote #8

But, to groans from the cowering pictsies, one of the lawyers produced a big roll of paper from his briefcase. He cleared his throat and read out: "Angus, Big; Angus, Not-as-big-as-Big-Angus; Angus, Wee; Archie, Big; Archie, One-Eyed; Archie, Wee Mad—" (13.111)

Ah, lawyers. They definitely have the power of the law behind them, and the pictsies are rightfully terrified that they're going to be charged with a bunch of felonies. Good thing they've got a croaking trick up their sleeves…

Quote #9

The Queen had no strength, no magic, just one trick. The worst one. (13.157)

The Queen doesn't actually have real power or cleverness—instead she just has the trick that she does with controlling dreams. That's not actually all that impressive once you figure it out.