What Happened to Goodbye Abandonment Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

And back in Wescott, another awesome girl sat texting or calling, wondering why on earth her boyfriend, the one who was so charming but just couldn't commit, wasn't returning her calls or messages. Maybe he was in the shower. Or forgot his phone again. Or maybe he was sitting in a restaurant in a town hundreds of miles away with his daughter, about to start their lives all over again. (1.21)

Ouch—Gus Sweet may be popular with the ladies, but that doesn't mean he's a particularly good boyfriend. Even Mclean knows that he's a hit-it-and-quit-it kind of guy.

Quote #2

Even all this time later, it still seemed impossible that she'd done it, the very act and fact still capable of unexpectedly knocking the wind out of me at random moments. (1.37)

Mclean puts on this tough girl act, like she doesn't care about what her mom did, but she's really hurt by the whole divorce. In fact, she avoids talking to her mom because she doesn't want to deal with all those icky feelings.

Quote #3

When she left my dad for Peter, I honestly could not believe it was happening, even as I witnessed the debris—snickers in the hallways at school, her moving out, the sudden, heavy fatigue in my dad's features—all around me. (2.4)

Her mom acts like everything is fine and dandy now, but Mclean knows otherwise. After the divorce, she had to deal with feelings of abandonment and the fact that everyone was talking about the awful thing her mom did.