What Happened to Goodbye Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

But all families had those kinds of arguments, didn't they? It didn't mean it was okay to run off with another man. Especially the coach of your husband and daughter's favorite team. (1.37)

Sure Mclean's parents fought from time to time, but she doesn't think that's reason enough for her mom to cheat on her dad, have another man's babies, and tear apart their happy family. After all, that is pretty harsh.

Quote #2

She could have her bright and shiny new life, with a new husband and new kids, but she didn't get to have me, too. I decided I was going with my dad. (2.8)

When her parents divorce, Mclean knows that they can't just split their family down the middle—after all, she can't be cut into two equal pieces. Because she feels so betrayed, she decides that her dad deserves to have her support more, while her mom is a treasonous traitor.

Quote #3

I pulled my list out of my pocket, unfolding it on the bar between us. "Okay," I began. "All the utilities are up and running, except the cable's still not getting half the channels, but that should be fixed by tomorrow. Recycling is on Thursday, garbage pickup is Tuesday. I can register at the school on Monday morning, just need to bring my transcripts and come early." (2.49)

Talk about an organized kid—whenever they move into a new town, Mclean takes on all the house set-up duties for her dad. Now that it's just the two of them, she's had to take on the role of caretaker to her dad too.