What Happened to Goodbye Theme of Exploration

We're not just talking about geographic exploration when it comes to this theme and the characters in What Happened to Goodbye—although Mclean and her dad do move around a lot. No, we're also talking about a journey of personal exploration that Mclean and the characters around her are undergoing. Pretty much everyone digs deep at some point in this book, and emerges with a new and improved personal understanding.

Questions About Exploration

  1. Why does Dave decide to take a service industry job even though he's a kid genius who can intern at a prestigious laboratory if he wants to?
  2. Do you think that Mclean and her dad like living in so many different places in a short period of time?
  3. Why does Mclean decide to go to the Poseidon by herself after she leaves her mom's beach house?

Chew on This

Try on an opinion or two, start a debate, or play the devil’s advocate.

Even though he could have graduated early, Dave decides to go to public school and take a part-time job because he wants to explore what it's like to be an ordinary teenager.

Even though Mclean's lived in all sorts of different places, her real self-exploration comes when she stays in one place for a while—Lakeview.