When You Reach Me Society and Class Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

If anyone needs the money," Annemarie said to me coldly, "it's you, not Julia." (37.29)

Annemarie accuses Miranda of stealing the money because her family is poor. Does being poor necessarily mean that someone is likely to steal?

Quote #8

One kid has green suede boots. One has a charge account at Gold's. One has keys in her pocket.

"Does it really matter?" I asked myself.

It did. (38.6-8)

Miranda compares her family to Annemarie and Julia's. Why does money matter so much in Miranda's mind? Do you agree with Miranda?

Quote #9

I folded my pink square a couple of times. Then I leaned forward and dropped the note into Julia's lap. I hadn't had much time – it was just the one word: TRUCE. (42.13)

During the assembly something changes for Miranda and she calls a truce with her enemy, Julia. What is it that changes?