When You Reach Me Truth Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

It was at that moment, standing next to her, that I figured out the truth. The truth was that Mom saw it too: the peeling paint, the cigarette butts on the stairs, everything. It soaked into me like water into sand, fast and heavy-making. (35.18)

Miranda discovers the truth about her mother: that she too knows they are poor. Truth is learning to see from another's perspective.

Quote #5

After dinner, I closed my door and sat on my bed with your notes spread out in front of me. "Think," my brain said. "Think, think, think." I got out my ropes, tied some knots, and tried to start at the beginning. (46.5)

After the Laughing Man saves Sal, Miranda must figure out the pieces of the puzzle. But how can she do so? Notice she is tying knots.

Quote #6

"But the day Marcus hit you – that was the day that you stopped wanting to do stuff together. You stopped –"

He shook his head. "No. It was before that." (47.22-23)

Miranda finds out the truth about Sal and why he didn't want to walk home anymore. Is the truth more complicated than it at first seemed to Miranda?