The Witches Hate Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Miserrrable vitches!" she yelled. "Useless lazy vitches! Feeble frrribling vitches! You are a heap of idle good-for-nothing vurms!" (7.31)

Hatred within a group can sometimes be the worst kind. People tend to hate those outside their group (whether social, familial, religious, ethnic, or anything else) because they don't understand the other. But the Grand High Witch certainly knows what it's like to be a witch, and yet she still hates the rest of 'em. This isn't ignorance, this is just mean.

Quote #5

"Vye have you not rrrubbed them all out, these filthy smelly children?" (7.33)

Shmoop wonders what the Grand High Witch is doing to help eliminate all these children? She seems to hate them more than any of the other witches, but we never hear about the number of kids that she's rubbing out herself. What do you think her story is? She can talk the talk, but can she walk the walk?

Quote #6

"Children smell!" she screamed. "They stink up the vurld! Vee do not vont these children around here!" (7.37)

Can children's smell really be deserving of death? That's kind of extreme, no?