Friendship Quotes in A Wizard of Earthsea

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"Good," said the boy, for he had no wish to tell the secret to his playmates, liking to know and do what they knew not and could not. (1.13)

Now, we were kids once, so we know it's nice to have secrets. Still, it's very telling that, when we see Ged first, he's mostly wandering alone or saying that he wants to keep secrets from other kids. In other words, it seems like Ged is going to have a hard time making friends.

Quote #2

He was as tall and strong as the fifteen-year-olds, and quick to return either a good word or a jeer; so he made his way among them and even that first night began to live as one of them and learn their work. (2.69)

Why is Ged so easy-going around these guys and not around other people, like Serret or Jasper?

Quote #3

Yet a greater, unlearned skill he possessed, which was the art of kindness. That night, and always from then on, he offered and gave Ged friendship, a sure and open friendship which Ged could not help but return. (3.52)

Whenever we think about friendship in this book, we think about Vetch – he's the nicest, the calmest, and the friendliest student we meet. Vetch is such a friendly guy that he can be friends with both Ged and Jasper – quite the feat.