Power Quotes in A Wizard of Earthsea

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

The boy could not speak, but he laughed.

Then his aunt was a little afraid of his strength, for this was as strong a spell as she knew how to weave. (1.16-7)

A Wizard of Earthsea follows the first rule of young adult novels: at first, its main character is more powerful than almost anyone he knows. Here we have a clear demonstration of that. Though untrained and childish, Ged can still break his witch aunt's most powerful charm. Now that's some wizarding potential if we've ever seen it.

Quote #2

For he hungered to learn, to gain power (2.16)

As we mentioned in "Writing Style," Le Guin comes out and tells us what we need to know about a character. It's like she's saying, "Meet Ged. He wants power." Does Ged sound like a hero here?

Quote #3

With voice and hand he made the Opening spell which his aunt had taught him long ago; it was the prize among all her stock of spells, and he wove it well now. But it was only a witch's charm, and the power that held this doorway was not moved at all. (3.6)

His aunt taught him this powerful spell and Ged is very powerful himself, but the power of the mages on Roke is just too much for him. This might be the first time we see Ged try to do something and fail.