The Woman in Black Revenge Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

It was one of what I can only describe… as a desperate, yearning malevolence… (5.24)

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, and the woman in black has definitely been scorned by someone. So expect some fury.

Quote #2

Moreover, that the intensity of her grief and distress together with her pent-up hatred and desire for revenge permeated the air all around. (11.72)

The woman in black wants to make someone, anyone pay for what she's been through—and she wants it so badly that it leaves a mark on the whole house.

Quote #3

But to harm who? Was not everyone connected with that sad story now dead? (11.73)

Come to think of it, Arthur has a point. Why is the woman in black still seeking revenge? It's not like there's anyone still around who directly wronged her. Can it really be called revenge if she's not hurting the people who hurt her.