The Woman in Black Trivia

Brain Snacks: Tasty Tidbits of Knowledge

In the recent movie version, Arthur sees three monkeys. These monkeys represent the wise monkeys who see no evil, hear no evil, and speak no evil. Maybe Arthur should have taken the hint, hm? (source)

The same actor who played Arthur Kipps in the 1989 version of the movie played James Potter (Harry's dad) in the Harry Potter movies. And Kipps is played by none other than Daniel Radcliffe, a.k.a. Harry Potter himself. Talk about creepy! (source)

The Woman in Black has a long literary tradition behind it. Off the top of our head, it nods to Dracula, The Woman in White, East Lynne, Wuthering Heights, and, of course, any story with a creepy old house in it. Can you think of more?

There really are places that get cut off from land during high tide. They're called—what else?—tidal islands, and the UK has a whole mess of them. And Peter Caton has visited all of them.