The Woman in Black Fear Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Doubtless, in such a place as this, with its eerie marshes, sudden fogs, moaning winds… any poor old woman might be looked at askance; once upon a time, after all, she would have been branded as a witch… (4.19)

At first, Arthur thinks that people were afraid of Mrs. Drablow because she was an old woman. Silly yokels, right? Surprise! She's not the one they're afraid of.

Quote #2

Mr. Jerome looked frozen, pale, his throat moving as if he were unable to utter. (4.54)

Mr. Jerome is truly afraid, but he's not going to give any clues as to why. Why is everyone so vague? Why don't they want to warn Arthur away?

Quote #3

I stood absolutely helpless in the mist that clouded me and everything from my sight, almost weeping in an agony of fear and frustration, and I knew that I was hearing… appalling last noises of a pony and trap, carrying a child in it… (6.6)

Arthur feels completely helpless and frozen with fear when he hears the pony and trap, which he assumes to be real. But it's even scarier when he realizes that the sounds aren't real.