Woman on the Edge of Time Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Martín's love had given her worth. She had feared the loss of his love every day. She spent her time fearing it, walking the line of decorum like a tightrope, lowering her eyes to all other men, speaking only when spoken to. (12.37)

Connie loved Martín, but her love makes her adopt a stereotypical feminine role. Given what we know about Connie from the rest of the novel, could she have kept that up for the rest of her life? Would her relationship with Martín have worked if he hadn't died?

Quote #8

"Dawn is too young to comprehend why you love her. But we love you back." (12.75)

Connie loves Dawn because Dawn reminds her of her daughter. The love Connie sees in the future often comes out of her memories. Which could mean the future is just in her head, or could mean that you make the love you want in the future out of the love you had in the past.

Quote #9

Because he was too beautiful and tempted them, they had fixed him. (13.120)

The doctors "cured" Skip's homosexuality. Connie is saying that men are scared of Skip because they're scared of the possibility of homosexuality in themselves.