Woman on the Edge of Time Science Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"…why not begin with her kicking around? After all, irrational violence is what we're about." (10.104)

Alice is upset because the scientists are filming her and she's bald. The scientists interpret her embarrassment, and her anger at being humiliated, as "irrational violence." The scientists get to decide what's rational and what isn't. That's not because they're smart and know everything; it's because they have power.

Quote #5

"Sticking a log in somebody's eye to dig out an eyelash! They had not even a theory of memory! Their arrogance… amazes me." She snorted. (11.86)

Luciente is pointing out that scientists in our day are arrogant, which seems fair. The bit about "They had not even a theory of memory!" is an offhand bit of goofy sci-fi technobabble though. We don't get many of those in this book; they're worth savoring when they pop up.

Quote #6

"Now that Dr. Morgan had lost his fear of her, there was something ugly in his demonstrations." (13.24)

Dr. Morgan uses the brain implant to control Alice; the suggestion is that he's getting sadistic pleasure out of it. Science here is a means of forcing people to do what you want, rather than a way to help people do stuff they couldn't before.