Wonder Principles Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"But this is crazy, Auggie!" I said emphatically, pulling the new comic book away from him too. "You have to go back to school. Everyone hates school sometimes. I hate school sometimes. I hate my friends sometimes. That's just life, Auggie. You want to be treated normally, right? This is normal! We all have to go to school sometimes despite the fact that we have bad days, okay?" (2.Time to Think.16)

There could be a hundred essays written on this chapter alone as Auggie says he's going to quit school. We'll keep it short by just wondering out loud how Via's "normal" might differ from Auggie's, how her "bad days" stack up in comparison, and how despite the differences between her reality and his she's still making the right argument.

Quote #5

Some kids have actually come out and asked me why I hang out with "the freak" so much. These are kids that don't even know him well. If they knew him, they wouldn't call him that. 

"Because he's a nice kid!" I always answer. "And don't call him that."

Summer isn't afraid to defend August.

Quote #6

"So you have to choose who you want to hang out with," Savanna said. She was talking to me like a big sister would talk to a little sister. "Everyone likes you, Summer. Everyone thinks you're really nice and that you're really, really pretty. You could totally be part of our group if you wanted to, and believe me, there are a lot of girls in our grade who would love that." (3.The Halloween Party.18)

In response to this flattering but unfair ultimatum, Summer quietly leaves the party, choosing friendship with Auggie over popularity.