Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan.

Quote #4

KIRK: Well... shall we start with the Engine Room?

SCOTT: We'll see you there, sir, and everything is in order.

KIRK: That'll be a pleasant surprise, Mister Scott.

Again with the ribbing. Scotty and Kirk have been through a lot together, and even though Kirk is his superior officer, he's going to razz his buddy a little bit about the less-than-perfect way he runs his little corner of the Enterprise.

Quote #5

SAAVIK: (in Vulcan) He's never what I expect, sir.

SPOCK: (in Vulcan) What surprises you, Lieutenant?

SAAVIK: (in Vulcan) He's so...human.

SPOCK: (in Vulcan) Nobody's perfect, Saavik.

Spock's humor is certainly on the dry side, but this is the same kind of self-deprecating wit we see the crew of the Enterprise toss out at each other all the time. It also serves an important narrative purpose: by bringing Saavik into the fold, it makes sure we understand that she's a part of the crew now too.

Quote #6

McCOY: Go? Where are we going?

KIRK: Where they went.

McCOY: Suppose they went nowhere.

KIRK: Then this'll be your big chance to get away from it all.

McCoy was always the crew's straight man, with his outbursts of temper and general fussiness. The camaraderie, even in the face of mortal peril, helps make Kirk a little stronger and keep the crew tight in the face of a very serious threat.